Read The Practice of Interventional Radiology with online cases and video Expert Consult Premium Edition - Enhanced Online Features and Print 1e Expert Consult Title Online Print Free
Author : Karim Valji MD
Publisher : Saunders
Total Pages : 784
The Practice of Interventional Radiology, by Dr. Karim Valji, presents a comprehensive approach to help you master the latest techniques. Online case studies teach you a wide range of interventional techniques, such as chemoembolization of tumors, venous access, angioplasty and stenting, and much more. With coverage of neurointerventional procedures, image-guided non-vascular and vascular procedures, and interventional oncologic procedures - plus access to the full text, case studies, images, and videos online at - youâll have everything you need to offer more patients a safer alternative to open surgery. Presents the entire spectrum of vascular and nonvascular image-guided interventional procedures in a rigorous but practical, concise, and balanced fashion. Stay current on the latest developments in interventional radiology including neurointerventional procedures, image-guided non-vascular and vascular procedures, and interventional oncologic proc edures. Learn the tenets of disease pathology, patient care, techniques and expected outcomes, and the relative merits of various treatment modalities. Find everything you need quickly and easily with consistent chapters that include patient cases, normal and variant anatomy, techniques, and complications. Master procedures and recognize diseases through over 100 case studies available online, which include images and interactive Q
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